Nick The Stick

If you want to summon a portal between two different worlds, you will need a magic stick. Well, Nick is one such stick, though his personality is anything but magic. In his defence, he was created in such a way that his head can either be the right way up but repeatedly ground into the mud, or out of the dirt but upsidedown - the sort of inherent design flaw that's not really conducive to a sunny disposition. Add to this the facts that portal creating is hugely draining, making him borderline narcoleptic, and that his resultant sleep is haunted by nightmares about things that afflict wood (woodpeckers, chainsaws, pissing dogs), and you can see why he's not particularly happy with his lot.

The only time he's really happy is when things are going badly, because that means he gets to say things like 'I told you so' and 'well, you're really screwed now'.

However, underneath all his curmudgeonliness and eye rolling, he does have a genuine affection for Elf (with whom he shares a symbiotic relationship – he cannot summon the portal without Elf's touch) and increasingly for Debbie. Though he'd be more likely to throw himself into a fire than admit it.

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