Restrictions Relaxed For Wiltshire Shops

1 July 2013, 10:44 | Updated: 4 July 2013, 15:46

High Street Tiverton

Local traders are being encouraged to promote their business responsibly following a review which has opted to relax regulations regarding street furniture.

Wiltshire councillors and officers decided to avoid regulations with the condition that anything businesses place on the highway is done in a sensible manner without creating a risk for other users of pavements and footpaths. 

Local councils can regulate and charge for placing street furniture including A Boards and tables and chairs on pavements outside businesses. 

Traders are being encouraged to speak to council highways officers who can give guidance, advice and practical help to businesses wishing to promote their business in this way. 

John Thomson, cabinet member with responsibility for highways and transport, said: ''Over burdening local business with a bureaucratic unnecessary process is not the right thing to do, and we want to make it as easy as possible for local businesses to do well in Wiltshire. 

''We do however expect businesses to act responsibly and ensure that everyone, including those with disabilities, is able to use the footpaths and pavements safely and without risk.'' 

For more information please contact the council's highways enforcement team on 01225 713356.