Christmas at the Belfry

The Belfry Shopping Centre Christmas

On Sunday 1st December, enjoy a day of free Christmas fun for all the family at the Belfry Shopping Centre

Join Heart Breakfast’s Nicola Hume and The Heart Angels between 11am and 4pm for music, comedy performers, children’s activities, plus they'll be celebrating the arrival of a very special guest...

Santa will arrive at 12-noon, on his sleigh pulled by real reindeer, to open his exciting Giant Christmas Tree grotto! 

As well as the Heart Angels, the fantastic entertainment at the Centre includes olde worlde Victorian fairy, Betty Twinkle and her faithful companion Robin Redbreast. While Robin whistles classic Christmas songs, Betty works her magic with fairy dust, snow and chocolate gold coins for all those who have been good during the year!

And don’t miss TV’s Musical Ruth, the hilarious nuntastic comedy act, whose antics and amazing magical mobile piano will keep everyone laughing.

For the youngsters, there will be the chance to pet Santa’s real reindeer, who will be waiting to meet everyone during the day after Santa arrives to open his Grotto.

Children can also join in a free gingerbread decorating workshop and take home their delicious goodies, as well as enjoy free festive face painting.

For more details go to and don’t forget it’s only £1 to park at the Belfry all day on Sundays!


Switch on your Christmas at the Belfry!

Belfry Shopping Centre The Belfry Shopping Centre
Redhill, RH1 1ST

Find out more here
