Heart South West: Gumtree
17 January 2019, 11:43 | Updated: 17 January 2019, 12:12

Gumtree South West on Heart
23. The following rules (“Specific Rules”) together with the general competition terms and conditions (which can be found at https://www.heart.co.uk/terms-conditions/ (the “Competition Terms and Conditions”) of Global (as defined in the Competition Terms and Conditions apply to ‘Gumtree South West radio competition (the “Competition") which will run from 20.02.19 to 28.02.19 on Heart Network (the “Radio Station”).
24. Anyone who enters the Competition (an “Entrant”) will be deemed to have read and accepted the Specific Rules and the Competition Terms and Conditions and will be bound by them.
Details of the Competition:
25. To enter the Competition an Entrant must go online to heart.co.uk and register their details, and tell us what their community group needs and why in 300 characters or less..Online entry will open at 00:01 on 20.02.19 and close at 11:00 on 28.02.19.
26. 30 eligible entries will be selected each weekday day from Friday 22nd February to Thursday 28th February 2019 and will be judged on the following criteria: most uplifting and feel good.
27. In the event that none of the 30 entries meet the criteria, another 30 entries will be drawn at random. This process will repeat until a winner is found. Heart’s decision is final.
28. If, as determined at Heart’s discretion, there are no eligible and valid entries that meet the criteria the competition will be declared void and no prize will be awarded.
29. Winners must be available to come to air during the competition period to talk about the community project they have nominated and why they feel they deserve to win. Calls may be pre recorded.
30. Heart will share the winners details with Gumtree.The winner may be asked to carry out PR opportunities for Gumtree in their local community.
31. The £1,000 will be made out to the local community group or club.
Entry is restricted to one entry per person; duplicate entries will be excluded from the Competition.
Community groups involving animals are not eligible for this competition.
Community Groups must have a bank account registered in their name. Cheques will not be issued to individuals or the nominee for the prize.
32. £1,000 for the chosen local community group, in the form of a cheque
33. Global reserves the right to substitute the prize with another prize at its absolute discretion.