When was Sweet Tooth written?
19 June 2021, 18:51
What was Sweet Tooth written and what comic is the Netflix show based on?
Sweet Tooth has proved a massive hit since it dropped on Netflix, and its shot up to the top of the streaming service's chart.
The show tells the story of an 11-year-old named Gus, who is half boy, half deer.
He was one of a number of children born as a 'hybrid' while a mysterious virus wiped out much of the human race.
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Hybrids became mistrusted by many people who blamed them for the virus, so Gus grew up in hiding in the woods with his father.
Given that the show features a pandemic, there are some eerie parallels with the show and the current coronavirus pandemic, meaning many people may be wondering when the story was written.
When was Sweet Tooth written?
Sweet Tooth is based on a set of comics by Jeff Lemire, which were first released in 2009.
Any parallels between the pandemic theme and the real-life pandemic, therefore, are purely coincidental.
The pilot of the show was filmed in 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic started, and the rest of the episodes were filmed in New Zealand in 2020 during the pandemic.
Speaking about filming the show, exectutive producer Beth Schwartz told Variety: "The pilot was already shot before the pandemic and we had broken the first season. We were in the writers’ room for two-and-a-half months before the pandemic started, and we switched from the actual writers’ room to the Zoom room.
"We didn’t change our storylines because the show isn’t really about the pandemic. It’s more about Gus’ journey to find his family and the aftereffects of what a worldwide pandemic can do."
She continued: "There were some details in terms of production that we were able to have more of a shorthand [with] because people know what it’s like to be living in a pandemic. We have some signs that say, “Six feet apart,” those kind of things that people can get right away. For some episodes, we were conscious of not having a ton of extras, but we didn’t really change our storylines at all."
Is there a trailer for Sweet Tooth?
You can watch the trailer below:

Hybrid deer-boy and wandering loner to embark on epic adventure in trailer for 'Sweet Tooth' on Netflix
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Sweet Tooth cast and creators speak out on hopes for season two