Dr Hilary warns separated families to not move children between homes, despite contrasting Government guidelines

24 March 2020, 11:13

Alice Dear

By Alice Dear

Prime Minister Boris Johnson put the UK on lockdown this week, causing logistical issues for many families.

On Monday evening, Boris Johnson announced that the UK is going into lockdown as the Government put in stricter rules to stop the spread of coronavirus.

The public are being urged to stay at home and not leave unless it is essential, however, this has raised some questions for split families whose children spend time at their mum and dad's houses.

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The Government have told split families that where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between the homes, however, Dr Hilary has warned otherwise.

Dr Hilary urged split families to keep their children at one home
Dr Hilary urged split families to keep their children at one home. Picture: ITV

Appearing on Good Morning Britain on Tuesday, Dr Hilary urged families to keep their children at the home they are currently at and to not move between them, much to Susanna Reid's shock.

Talking to Piers Morgan and Lorraine Kelly via video link, Susanna asked whether split families are an exception in the new rules.

She said: "I think a lot of people will have questions about what lockdown means for them. I think it's important to gets gem clarity on what lockdown means for separated families.

You can find the latest Coronavirus (Covid-19) advice from the NHS here.

Susanna Reid thought there were exceptions to families who are separated
Susanna Reid thought there were exceptions to families who are separated. Picture: ITV

"There are around 2.5 million separated families in the UK. 4 million children. I think a lot of people will ask what does this mean. Can the children go between two houses?

"Staying at home is the instruction from the government. Leave the house for four reasons - essential shopping, one exercise, travelling for key workers and care to help the vulnerable.

"There is a footnote saying it's applicable to moving children under-18 between their parents' home.

"That I think is really important. If you need to share the care your children that's an exception under the rules."

The Government have said that split families where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between the homes
The Government have said that split families where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between the homes. Picture: ITV

However, Dr Hilary disagreed and warned separated families to keep their children in one home, the one they are currently at.

On the show he explained: "It's really clear. The less people any individual is in contact with the less likelihood of the virus being passed on.

"The less passage between one home and another the better. If there is a medical need or someone is key worker clearly there needs to be movement."

Piers went on to ask Dr Hilary whether he meant children should stay at the homes they are currently at, to which he replied: "Absolutely".

READ MORE: This Morning's Dr Ranj reveals top tips on how to talk to your children about coronavirus

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