Headteacher wants teachers to stop using phrase 'good morning boys and girls' in classes
30 April 2021, 12:22

Primary school bans phrases 'man up' and 'morning, boys and girls'
THE headteacher from Birmingham has taken some new steps to stop sexist language being used in school.
The headteacher of Anderton Park Primary in Birmingham is urging her teachers to not use the phrase 'good morning boys and girls' in classrooms.
Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson appeared on Good Morning Britain this week, where she explained how she is attempting to stop all 'sexist' language in her school.
Among other phrases banned in the classroom are 'man up' and 'grow a pair'.
Sarah explained on the show: "In the last year we have seen the biggest ever increase in child abuse and grooming.
"If our boys, and girls, grow up and we don't address this sexist language where boys are told to 'man up', 'grow a pair', 'boys don't cry', it is very damaging for them.
"Abusers later on, or bullies, will also use this fear. Fear is the biggest weapon that abusers have.
"If boys are told that boys aren't afraid, boys don't get scared, boys don't talk about their feelings, then where are they going to go when they are afraid?"
Ben Shepherd argued that he feels that terms like 'man up' are being phased out in society, but questioned why calling a class of boys and girls 'boys and girls' is an issue.
Sarah said that she believed 'good morning everyone' was a much more inclusive way of addressing a class.
The educator also wants to stop people using the term 'guys' when referring to girls and boys.
Ben argued that the term 'guys' has now become gender neutral in society.
Sarah explained to the hosts that she believes if we don't challenge these terms then "schools become the drip feed of these labels".
Susanna Reid questioned whether primary school was too young to be burdening children with the worries of sexism, however, Sarah believes it is never too young to teach your children about using their language in a respectful way.