Full list of Line Of Duty acronyms explained - from CHIS to PNC
25 March 2021, 11:39 | Updated: 25 March 2021, 11:41
What do MIT, AC, PNC and TA mean in Line of Duty? Your complete guide to police acronyms...
Line of Duty is finally back on BBC One, with crime fighting trio Superintendent Ted Hastings, DI Kate Fleming and DS Steve Arnott taking on a new case.
But while we we're all very excited to see AC-12 again, there are a few moments which continue to leave viewers scratching their heads.
Mainly at the mention of CHIS, PNC and MIT...
So, as we sit down to watch another episode of the BBC crime drama, let’s take a look at all the acronyms we’ve learnt so far.
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Line of Duty acronyms
- CHIS - Covert Human Intelligence Source
- MIT - Murder Investigation Team
- PNC - Police National Computer
- TA - Tactical Advisor
- AC-12 – Anti-Corruption Unit 12
- ARU - Armed Response Unit
- ARV - Armed Response Vehicle
- AFO - Authorised Firearms Officer
- TFC - Tactical Firearms Commander
- AM - Active Message
- Sit Rep - Situation Report
- SIO - Senior Investigating Officer
- DIR - Digital Interview Recorder
- UCO - Undercover Officer.
- B&E - Breaking and entering
- CID - Criminal Investigation Department
- CIS - Crime Information System
- CPS - Crown Prosecution Service
- MIT - Major incident team
- NCS - National Crime Squad
- Fahrenheit - AC-12's codeword for 'shoot to kill' - this is different for each police operation.

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Police rankings
- DC - Detective Constable (cops who have passed their detective exams get a “D” instead of “P” before their rank)
- DS - Detective Sergeant
- DI - Detective Inspector
- DCI - Detective Chief Inspector
- Det Supt - Detective Superintendent
- DCS - Detective Chief Superintendent
- ACC - Assistant Chief Constable
- DCC - Detective Chief Constable
- CC - Chief Constable
If you can’t remember all those, then don’t worry because even newcomer Kelly Macdonald, who plays DCI Jo Davidson, revealed she struggled at the start.
She explained: “There would be certain acronyms that we would discuss at the time.
“In hair and makeup, they had a list pinned up, which was quite helpful, I found, of all the acronyms and what everything stood for. I’m not brilliant at [remembering them], but I sort of get by.”
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