Crossfire episode guide: How many episodes are there of the drama and when does it finish?

22 September 2022, 08:41

Crossfire is made up of three episodes
Crossfire is made up of three episodes. Picture: BBC

How many episodes are there of Crossfire on BBC and when is the last episode?

The BBC has not disappointed with their brand new drama Crossfire starring Keeley Hawes.

The thriller follows a group of really close friends who go on holiday together and their world gets turned upside down.

Describing the drama, the novelist and author Louise Doughty, Louise said: "Crossfire is a drama about ordinary people caught up in an extraordinary situation and how they behave."

Other actors starring in the series include Lee Ingleby, Josette Simon, Daniel Ryan, Anneika Rose and Vikash Bhai.

Keeley Hawes stars in BBC's Crossfire
Keeley Hawes stars in BBC's Crossfire. Picture: BBC

But when does Crossfire finish and how many episodes are there?

How many episodes are there of Crossfire on BBC?

Crossfire is made up of three episodes which are airing over three consecutive nights this week.

It started on Tuesday 20th September, with the final show on Thursday, September 22.

The episode guide is as follows:

  • Episode 1 | September 20
  • Episode 2 | September 21
  • Episode 3 | September 22

All three episodes of Crossfire are available on BBC iPlayer in full meaning fans can binge-watch the whole series.

Crossfire is a new series on BBC One
Crossfire is a new series on BBC One. Picture: BBC

A synopsis reads: "Sunbathing on her hotel room balcony while on a dream holiday with her family and friends, Jo’s (Keeley Hawes) world is turned upside down when shots ring out across the complex.

"Gunmen, out for revenge, have, in an instant, turned a slice of paradise into a terrifying heart-breaking hell.

Speaking before the shows premiere, Dan Ryan, who plays Ben, said: "It's going to be the classic moments when you're shouting at the television screen.

"Telling them to not go that way, don't do that, as the audience is always going to be one step ahead of the characters and knowing what’s around the corner or knowing where a character shouldn't be. It's going to be exciting to watch."

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