Simon Cowell launches hunt for next superstar UK boyband

4 June 2024, 17:18

Simon Cowell is hoping to find another UK boyband sensation
Simon Cowell is hoping to find another UK boyband sensation. Picture: Alamy/Getty

By Hope Wilson

Music mogul Simon Cowell is looking to create a brand new UK boyband- could you be the right fit? Here is everything you need to know about the auditions and whether you are eligible to join the group.

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Simon Cowell, 64, has launched a hunt to find the next big UK boyband, as he heads across the country searching for talent.

Fresh off the back of Sydnie Christmas's Britain's Got Talent win last week, Simon is looking for an all male group who can emulate the success of The X Factor superstars, One Direction.

Posing beside a giant billboard with the words: "Simon needs you! Future megastars wanted for new boyband. No time wasters." The TV mogul has revealed he is looking for 16-18 year olds who want to make it big in the music industry and kickstart their career with a bang.

Where and when are the Simon Cowell boyband auditions and how do you apply? Here is everything you need to know about joining the male group.

Simon Cowell is looking to create a new UK boyband
Simon Cowell is looking to create a new UK boyband. Picture: Getty

Where and when are the Simon Cowell boyband auditions?

Budding musicians can attend Simon Cowell's auditions on the following dates:

  • 4th and 5th of July- Newcastle
  • 7th and 8th of July- Liverpool
  • 28th and 29th of July- Dublin
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd of August- London

Those who are keen to audition should sign up by visiting

How do I join Simon Cowell's boyband?

If you'd like to audition for Simon Cowell's boyband then you need to be a "talented male" between 16-18 years old and possess the "passion, charisma, and star quality to form the next boyband sensation."

Simon Cowell has created many musical groups in the past
Simon Cowell has created many musical groups in the past. Picture: Alamy

Is Simon Cowell's boyband search going to be on TV?

It is currently unknown if Simon Cowell's boyband search is going to be broadcast on television, however the process is going to be filmed by Box To Box for a potential documentary series.

Speaking about his new venture, Simon revealed: "Every generation deserves a megastar boyband and I don’t think there has been one to have the success of One Direction in over 14 years. 

"The industry tends to focus on solo artists - so it usually takes someone from outside to put a group together. Nothing beats the fun of being in a group, touring the world and performing for thousands – and it’s also a brilliant launchpad for a solo career. When you have a great group, it’s like lightning in a bottle but there’s no magic formula and a fair bit of luck involved!"

One Direction became global superstars
One Direction became global superstars. Picture: Alamy

He added: "There’s always a high degree of risk and I genuinely have no idea what’s going to happen! We might uncover an incredible group; we might not get there. What if no one shows up to auditions? That could be awkward. There is no guaranteed path to success – anything can happen, but that's what's exciting for me and that’s why I’m doing this."

The music legend went on to credit other bands which went on to create successful solo artists as well, stating: "A huge number of solo artists began their journey in a group and have achieved great success, including Beyonce, Sir Paul McCartney, Robbie Williams, and our very own One Direction boy. Even artists who came from High School Musical were effectively launched from groups."

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