Jeff Brazier shares throwback snap of Jade Goody to mark her 38th birthday

6 June 2019, 07:08 | Updated: 6 June 2019, 07:22

Former football pro Jeff shared the touching tribute on social media
Former football pro Jeff shared the touching tribute on social media. Picture: Instagram

The father of Jade's children shared the heartbreaking picture on both Twitter and Instagram.

Mared Parry

By Mared Parry

Jeff Brazier has shared a touching image of his late ex-girlfriend, Jade Goody to mark what would be her 38th birthday.

The touching tribute was posted on TV presenter Jeff's Instagram along with an emotional caption, saying that his "heart aches" for the "fiercely strong and proud mother" as she's not around to see her their sons grow.

Big Brother star Jade passed away in 2009 of cervical cancer at the tender age of 27, leaving two sons behind.

Bobby was five and Freddie was four at the time of their mother's passing, and father Jeff's post nods to how quickly time has flown as it's their eldest son, Bobby's 16th birthday this week.

Jeff and Jade weren't in a relationship at the time of her passing, but he was still understandably struck with an immeasurable amount of grief and has always spoken out and been open about his struggles.

Read more: Jeff Brazier reveals how his and Jade's sons reacted when they found out she had cancer

40-year-old Jeff paid tribute to Jade on Wednesday, sharing a Twitter and and Instagram post with the same message.

The post read: "Today would have been Jade’s 38th Birthday so we had a small gathering and raised a glass in her memory.

"My heart aches for all of the love and affection the boys have had to go without in her absence and for all she missed of their childhood, those precious stolen moments deprived of a fiercely strong and proud Mother.

Jeff often shares snaps of him with his and Jade's sons along with wife Kate
Jeff often shares snaps of him with his and Jade's sons along with wife Kate. Picture: Instagram

"My thanks to those that came along as well as those who couldn’t make it always showing the boys that they have many good people supporting their every step."

Jeff continued: "It was also Bobbys 16th this week so we celebrated getting him there in one piece and all the promise his future holds."

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