The Heart 100!

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Wake up to an amazing playlist on New Year's Day with Heart. We'll be counting down your favourite 100 songs from the last 25 years in what's sure to be a smashing start to 2015...

There's been some great music over the last 25 years with the likes of TLC, Take That, Spice Girls and more recently Taylor Swift all making hits that hold a firm place in our hearts! But which songs will go down as THE best of our generation?

>>The Best Music Videos Of The Noughties<<

You've voted for your favourites… and now on New Year's Day we'll count down your top 100 songs from the last 25 years! 

>>Fresh New Music We're Playing Right Now!<< 

So, the BIG question is… who'll take the top spot?

>>Guess The 90s Album Covers<<

The Heart 100 – New Year's Day from 10am only on Heart!

Heart Top 100