A New You For 2022: Embrace a positive mindset and get motivated with Heart Breakfast

6 January 2022, 16:48 | Updated: 11 January 2022, 09:48

Jamie and Amanda want to hear what you're planning to do differently in 2022!
Jamie and Amanda want to hear what you're planning to do differently in 2022! Picture: Heart

By Heart

It’s a new year, new starts. NEW YOU! Small changes add up, so we want to know what you will be doing differently - and why!

In January, we’re starting off 2022 with a positive mindset on Heart Breakfast.

The month of January is all about new horizons, spreading positivity, and working on those incremental changes that end up having a huge impact on your life.

And as always, we want YOU to get involved with the show!

We want to know:

  • Are you trying something brand new for the first time?
  • Is there something you haven’t tried yet, but really want to?
  • Have you found a new way of life you’re undertaking in the new year?
  • Any New Years Resolutions?

If there’s going to be a New You In 2022, we want to know. It doesn’t matter how big or small – we want you to help us spread the positivity throughout January on Heart Breakfast!

Tell us what you're up to by contacting Jamie and Amanda, or reaching out to us on our socials, @thisisheart!

Heart Breakfast with Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden, 6:30am - 10am weekdays on Heart

Thank you!

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