Ayscoughfee Hall School

Ayscoughfee Hall School Limited

Ayscoughfee is an independent co-educational primary school and kindergarten for children aged 3 to 11 years. The gentle introduction to school life they offer in their kindergarten year allows for children to feel safe and secure when they progress to more formal education.

Their aim is to ensure your child has the best possible education, one that fosters an enthusiasm and love for learning. Ayschougfee school provides a stimulating, challenging and vibrant learning environment giving your child the best possible start to their education. They pride themselves on nurturing well motivated, confident and happy children, by providing a caring pastoral system and a rounded academic curriculum.

Class sizes are small throughout the school and therefore the teachers and teaching assistants are able to really get to know your child as an individual, working with them to enhance their strengths and develop areas for improvement to great effect. At Ayscoughfee they believe that children should always be put at the heart of everything they do.

To find out more about Ayscoughfee school visit their website, call 01775 724733 or email admin@ahs.me.uk

Welland Hall
London Road
Lincolnshire, PE11 2TE