August bank holiday weather forecast disappointing as heatwave hopes dwindle

23 August 2024, 15:10

Two children dressed for summer playing in the rain next to a blue and red deck chair
August bank holiday weekend is bringing a mixture of weather conditions. Picture: Getty

By Zoe Adams

Is summer already over? Brits face 'cool' and 'average' temperatures for the upcoming bank holiday weekend.

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The August bank holiday is finally here and while many Brits are hoping for warm and dry conditions, the UK weather forecast doesn't look like it will deliver for 2024.

As one of the warmest bank holiday weekends in the English calendar, these three days often bring hopes of BBQs with friends and family while enjoying some much-needed relaxation in the garden, however, the Met Office doesn't think conditions will live up to our standards.

In fact, many are already questioning whether the British summer time is over as hopes of a heatwave diminish, replaced instead with heavy rain and strong wind warnings.

Looking forward to the three-day weekend, with the bank holiday Monday officially landing on August 26th, temperatures will be 'cool' and 'average' at best say forecasters.

Child putting on sky blue jumper
August temperatures are set to become 'cool' and 'average' for this time of year. Picture: Getty

What is the August bank holiday weather forecast?

Unfortunately, there is no heatwave or above average temperatures to be had for this bank holiday weekend as the Met Office forecast cooler averages for the time of year.

Looking towards the end of the week, from the 22nd-24th, they have predicted: "Often cloudy with bands of rain arriving from the west on most days. Windy, especially on Thursday when gales are possible near the English channel coast. Temperatures rather cool."

Conditions across the country remain similar with temperatures plunging below 20C in the north and coastal areas.

As we hit the bank holiday weekend itself, those in London will see "scattered showers, strengthening winds and short-lived warm conditions".

The Met Office added: "On Saturday, sunshine and scattered showers, possibly heavy and thundery for a time. On Sunday, a more settled day is likely. At some point later Sunday into Monday, another weather front is expected to move in from the Atlantic, bringing rain and strengthening winds.

"Weather fronts are expected to bring the heaviest rain across northern and western hills of Scotland and Northern Ireland, then weakening as these fronts move southeast, further into England and Wales.

"Temperatures overall will probably be close to average, with a chance of some short-lived very warm conditions in the south and east at times."

Across the weekend temperatures will vary between 19-22C which is on the cooler side of the average for this time of year.

A rising thermometer next to a blue sky and sun
A UK heatwave is forecast for the end of September. Picture: Getty

Is British summertime over?

The bank holiday weather forecast may be less than ideal but don't worry, the British summer still has one last heatwave on the horizon according to experts.

According to Netweather's forecasts, Friday the 30th of August is set to bring hot weather, with temperatures in the southeast of England reaching 29C. Saturday the 31st of August is expected to be even warmer, with the mercury possibly soaring to 30C.

Other areas of the UK will be slightly cooler, with temperatures between 26C and 28C in the Midlands and north of England. While temperatures will be in the low 20Cs in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

This trend of red-hot highs are expected to continue into September, with Sunday the 1st of September and Monday the 2nd of September seeing temperatures of 29C and 30C. Temperatures are expected to cool slightly after the 3rd.