General election: Conservatives lose all their seats in Wales

5 July 2024, 05:06 | Updated: 5 July 2024, 07:22

The Conservative Party has been completely wiped out in Wales.

Labour won all but five of the 32 Welsh Commons seats, with four going to Plaid Cymru and one, Brecon, Radnor & Cwm Tawe, to the Liberal Democrats.

In the 2019 election, the Tories held 14 of the 40 seats, with Labour on 22, and Plaid Cymru on four.

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Welsh Tory leader Andrew RT Davies wrote on X on Friday morning: "We are a party that exists to govern and improve people's opportunities. Let's be frank: We've let a lot of people down.

"In Wales, the Welsh Conservatives have a solid record in our communities at all levels of government, from local government, to the Senedd, to Parliament.

"And we're going to take the lead in rebuilding our party in the run-up to 2026. Step one: Stop taking lifelong Conservative voters for granted."

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The Welsh Tories still occupy 16 of the 60 seats in the Welsh Senedd. Welsh Labour have exactly half the seats, followed by Plaid Cymru, which have 13.

The Welsh Lib Dems have one Senedd member - occupied by now-MP for Brecon, Radnor & Cwm Tawe Jane Dodds.

Despite its Westminster success, Labour First Minister Vaughan Gething's future is still in doubt after he lost a vote of no confidence earlier this year.

The Tory wipeout in Wales reflects the wider picture, nationally. The exit poll predicts Rishi Sunak's party will win just 131 seats, which would be the lowest number in its history.

Labour, by contrast, are projected to win 410 seats, which gives them an overall majority of 170.