When is the Draconid meteor shower this month and how can you watch it?
7 October 2020, 16:20
This is when and how you can see the annual Draconid meteor shower.
If you and your family love stargazing, you won't want to miss the Draconid meteor shower.
And with the annual event set to peak this week, there's no better time to look up to the skies.
Here's everything you need to know about the Draconid meteor shower:
What is the Draconid meteor shower?
The Draconid meteor shower is an annual phenomena which occurs every October.
The shower is named after the constellation Draco, which means Dragon, and is made up from the debris left by the comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner.
It is the first of two annual meteor showers occurring in October, with the second being the Orionids, which will be visible later in the month.
When is the Draconid meteor shower?
The Draconid meteor shower will last from October 2 to October 16.
However, for your best chance to get a look, the peak days are Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8.
How can I watch the Draconid meteor shower?
American Meteor Society member Robert Lunsford said that the shower is often faint, so is best to view from rural areas with clear skies.