What shops, businesses and venues are open in Tier 4?
21 December 2020, 08:34 | Updated: 21 December 2020, 10:38
All the rules on openings for Post Offices, banks, opticians, dentists and shops in Tier 4 areas.
Boris Johnson announced on Saturday that London and large areas of the South East would be heading into Tier 4 restrictions.
Due to rising numbers of coronavirus, people who live in these towns have been urged to stay at home as much as possible.
According to the government website, residents can leave home to buy food or medicine, or to collect any items ordered through click-and-collect or as a takeaway.
They are also allowed to travel to work or to access ‘critical public services’.
But what businesses and shops are allowed to stay open in Tier 4? Here’s what we know…
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What can remain open in Tier 4?
- Essential retail such as food shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, garden centres, building merchants and suppliers of building products and off-licences
- Market stalls selling essential retail
- Businesses providing repair services
- Petrol stations, automatic (but not manual) car washes, vehicle repair and MOT services, bicycle shops, and taxi and vehicle hire businesses
- Banks, building societies, post offices, short-term loan providers and money transfer businesses
- Funeral directors
- Laundrettes and dry cleaners
- Medical and dental services
- Vets and pet shops
- Animal rescue centres, boarding facilities, and animal groomers (for animal welfare, not aesthetic purposes)
- Agricultural supplies shops
- Mobility and disability support shops
- Storage and distribution facilities
- Car parks, public toilets and motorway service areas
- Outdoor playgrounds
- Outdoor gym, pools, sports courts and facilities
- Golf courses
- Archery/driving/shooting ranges (outdoors)
- Outdoor riding centres
- Places of worship
- Crematoriums and burial grounds
- NHS and medical services like GPs and dentists
- Jobcentre Plus sites
- Courts and probation services
- Civil registrations offices
- Passport and visa services
- Services provided to victims
- Waste or recycling centres

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Businesses and venues which must close in Tier 4
- Non-essential retail, such as clothing and homeware stores, vehicle showrooms and betting shops
- Hospitality venues such as cafes, restaurants, pubs, bars and social clubs - except for takeaway
- Hotels, hostels, guest houses and campsites, except for specific circumstances
- Leisure and sports facilities such as leisure centres and indoor gyms
- Entertainment venues such as theatres, cinemas, museums and casinos
- Personal care facilities such as hair, beauty, tanning and nail salons
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