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31 March 2021, 11:03
One woman’s boyfriend sent her a spreadsheet of expenses from their first holiday away together.
A woman was left stunned after her boyfriend sent her a spreadsheet of everything she owed for their first holiday together.
Sharing her experience on Reddit, the anonymous woman explained that she always insisted on paying halves in her relationship.
But when they booked their first weekend away together, she said ‘red flags’ started to show when he began worrying they would break up beforehand.
She said: “We've been dating for a few months, exclusively together for 3 weeks and this is our first weekend away together.
“We're just going to a nearby town (1 hour travel time), staying in an Airbnb and visiting one tourist attraction.
First romantic weekend away with new boyfriend [24 M] and he sent me a spreadsheet breaking down cost of everything and exactly how much I owe him?! https://t.co/6fIYMg9sAo pic.twitter.com/AVkttRlJI3
— relationships.txt (@redditships) March 24, 2021
“Not an extravagant trip by any means."
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The woman - who goes by the username BlueMahoon - continued: "Although it seems he is excited to go, he was a bit hesitant at first and nervously asked 'but what if we break up before the trip?'.
“I found this to be a huge mood killer given we are in the honeymoon phase of our relationship, but I told him that as the trip is only overnight, and relatively inexpensive (less than $200) it wouldn't really matter if we just cancelled if it came to it - or I could take a friend.”
A few days later, she suggested a restaurant they could go to during their trip, which he said was ‘very nice but super expensive’ and insisted they should order takeaways instead.
BlueMahoon then revealed he had ‘broken down the cost of the weekend’ so he could book the Airbnb, transport tickets and tickets to the tourist attraction’.
She said: “He'd attached a spreadsheet with our names in it, literally breaking down the cost of everything to the cent, with the final add up of everything telling me I owed him $167.99 (£122).”
After insisting she’s ‘not tight with money at all, and would happily have just given him $200 to cover the weekend’, she said: "My boyfriend and I are both in professional jobs on decent salaries, so money is not tight.
“Since the beginning, I have insisted on always going halves on any dates etc so there is no cause for tension there."
As he's an accountant, she added it made sense he was interested in money, but wrote: "I’m his new girlfriend going on a romantic weekend away, not a client to send an invoice outlining every cent. It feels so procedural.”
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Unsurprisingly, people were totally divided over the situation, with many also calling it a ‘red flag’.
One person said: "The fact he's talking about breaking up before the trip is a red flag. Penny pinching is never going to end well.
“I personally wouldn't even go on the trip. Is this how you want to spend the next six months of your honeymoon phase?"
Someone else commented: "If this is the honeymoon relationship, imagine what it would be like later..."
But another person hit back: "I totally understand this. I work in finance and I am very particular about the computation of money.
“It's not to make you feel like you owe me this much. But it's definitely about being accountable for the money that you will be spending.
"I will look at this as a positive trait because you now know that he knows how to handle money."
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