Will Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca stay on the green list?

14 July 2021, 09:06

Will the Balearic Islands move to the amber list?
Will the Balearic Islands move to the amber list? Picture: Alamy

Will the Balearic Islands move to the amber list at the next review? Here's what we know...

This week, the government will conduct its third review of the UK's traffic light travel lists.

All countries in the world are either on the 'green', 'amber', or 'red' lists, which all have different rules for Brits hoping to travel to them.

People in the UK are allowed to visit green countries for a holiday without having to quarantine on their return, and there are currently 27 destinations on the list.

The last review saw the Balearic Islands - Ibiza, Menorca and Mallorca - added to the green list, but there has been some concern these will move to amber at the next review.

Here's what we know...

Ibiza is currently on the green list
Ibiza is currently on the green list. Picture: Alamy

Will Ibiza, Menorca and Mallorca be removed from the green list?

We don't yet know whether the Balearic Islands - which are currently on the 'green watch list - will stay on the list, but reports have suggested that there's a chance they could be moved to amber.

A source told The Sun: "It’s all still up for discussion, but the figures aren’t great which is why it was on the watch list in the first place."

According to the report, the review is set to take place today (Wednesday July 14), a day earlier than expected.

A green list update is expected this week
A green list update is expected this week. Picture: Alamy

What does the amber list mean?

Anyone returning to the UK from amber list countries will need to quarantine for 10 days on their arrival back to the UK.

Currently, anyone visiting many amber list countries needs to also book and pay for one Covid tests before they travel, before they return to the UK, and when they arrive back home.

From July 19, however, amber list countries will effectively turn green for those who are fully vaccinated, meaning that they won't have to quarantine.