Secret Alexa 'cheat code' can put your smart speaker into 'Super Alexa Mode'

2 October 2020, 14:38 | Updated: 2 October 2020, 14:43

You can access 'Super Alexa Mode' on your smart speaker
You can access 'Super Alexa Mode' on your smart speaker. Picture: PA

What is Super Alexa Mode and how do you access it?

Many of us have an Amazon Alexa in our home, but you may not know that there's a secret 'cheat code' that will allow you to access a hidden feature.

'Super Alexa Mode' is a joke setting based on a video game cheat code created by game developer Konami, and the same code appears in popular games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Contra series.

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The 'Super Alexa Mode' was inspired by a gaming cheat code
The 'Super Alexa Mode' was inspired by a gaming cheat code. Picture: PA

How do you access Super Alexa Mode?

To access the secret mode, you should say: "Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start."

Alexa should then respond with: "Super Alexa mode, activated. Starting reactors, online. Enabling advanced systems, online.

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"Raising dongers. Error. Dongers missing. Aborting."

The trick doesn't unlock any special capabilities, but was instead introduced to make gamers laugh.

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What are some other Alexa tricks?

Alexa has a number of other joke tricks. If you ask the speaker: 'Who let the dogs out?', it will respond: 'Who, who, who, who?, and if you say: 'Alexa, use the force', the reply should be: 'Can I borrow a lightsaber?'

You can listen to Heart on your smart speaker by saying 'Play Heart'.


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