Pride Month 2024: 8 of the best LGBTQ+ books to read to your kids

4 June 2024, 09:26

8 of the best LGBTQ+ books to read to your kids
8 of the best LGBTQ+ books to read to your kids. Picture: Puffin/Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Naomi Bartram

By Naomi Bartram

From fairytales, to tales of adoption, we've put together a list of books to teach your children about the LGBTQ+ community.

It's so important that little ones grow up and see all different types of families reflected in their books, while it's also important for everyone to learn about acceptance and equality.

And as we're in Pride Month 2024, we've pulled together a list of our favourite children's books to show – and celebrate – diverse families all year long.

My Magic Family

My Magic Family
My Magic Family. Picture: Puffin

Written by Lotte Jeffs & Sharon Davey, this book tells the story of a little girl with two mummies.

It explores the different ways all families are magical through rhymes and beautiful illustrations.

Forever Star

Forever Star
Forever Star. Picture: Puffin

This story book by Gareth Peter & Judi Abbot and follows Tim and Tim, who long for a child they can love and raise together so they go into space.

“The journey will be perilous, but they are not afraid to dodge meteor showers and zoom past supernovas until they find their very own star child,” the synopsis reads.

Tales From Beyond the Rainbow

Tales From Beyond the Rainbow
Tales From Beyond the Rainbow. Picture: Puffin

Collected by Pete Jordi Wood, this is a compendium of 10 forgotten fairy tales that celebrate LGBTQ+ characters.

It includes stories such as a transgender market girl who becomes queen, as well as a young vizier determined to look out for his best friend and the love of his life.

And Tango Makes Three

And Tango Makes Three
And Tango Makes Three. Picture: Little Simon

By Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, And Tango Makes Three is a true story of two male penguins in a New York zoo that become besotted with one another.

The zookeeper notices and gives them an abandoned egg called Tango to look after so their penguin family is complete.

Mommy, Mama And Me

Mommy, Mama And Me
Mommy, Mama And Me. Picture: Tricycle Press

Mommy, Momma And Me is written by Lesléa Newman and shows a toddler spending the day with their Mums.

The book depicts the gentle, nurturing relationship of a lesbian couple and their little one and is illustrated by Carol Thompson.

Stella Brings The Family

Stella Brings the Family
Stella Brings the Family. Picture: Chronicle Books

Stella Brings The Family by Miriam B. Schiffer is a story about Stella who has two dads and is worried about Mother’s Day which is approaching.

She thinks there won’t be anyone to share the special day with but decides to bring her entire family instead.

Little People, Big Dreams: Rupaul

Little People, BIG DREAMS
Little People, BIG DREAMS. Picture: Frances Lincoln Children's Books

You might be aware of the Little People, Big Dreams series, with Isabel Sanchez Vegara writing one all about Rupaul.

This book tells the story of little Rupaul and his humble beginnings and how went on to be the ultimate LGBTQ+ icon.

Pink Is For Boys

Pink is For Boys
Pink is For Boys. Picture: Running Press Kids

Written by Robb Pearlman, Pink Is For Boys shows that all colours of the rainbow are for everyone.

Challenging the phrase 'I'm not wearing pink, that's for girls', this is the perfect book for exploring acceptance.