Mum warns over dangers of mobile phone chargers after toddler was hospitalised with nasty burn

6 December 2019, 12:36

A toddler has been seriously burnt after being eletrocuted
A toddler has been seriously burnt after being eletrocuted. Picture: Getty Images/Facebook
Naomi Bartram

By Naomi Bartram

A toddler was hospitalised after she got ‘thrown across the room’ by a phone charger.

One mum has sent out a warning to other parents after her toddler was left with nasty burn caused by a phone charger.

In a Facebook post, the woman from Australia described the moment her daughter was ‘thrown across the room’ after the plug began to spark.

Writing in the CPR Kids group, she said: “My daughter was admitted into the hospital Monday after receiving a pretty bad electrical shock from trying to plug my phone charger in.

"Unfortunately, this happened right in front of me. I didn't realise she knew how to attempt to plug in a charger until it was too late."

She went on to say the plug “popped, shot sparks” and “what looked like flames and black smoke” came out of the socket before the shock “threw her a few feet across the living room."

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The mum explained her little one went silent for a few seconds, before she began hysterically crying and revealed a 5p burn on her hand.

After being rushed to A&E, doctors had to monitor her heart overnight before they gave her the ok.

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Now, the mum is desperate to make other parents aware of the dangers of mobile phone chargers.

She said: “Even though my house is baby-proofed with outlet covers, door stoppers, baby gates, stove knob covers, etc, my baby still got hurt from something I stupidly never even considered would be an issue.”

Hundreds of parents were quick to comment on the post, suggesting ways in which they try to keep their children safe.

“We keep our power board and Chargers in a plastic container so our son can’t touch any of them,” said one.

A parent has suggested putting chargers in a box
A parent has suggested putting chargers in a box. Picture: Facebook

Another wrote: “This is why I am always concerned about our chargers and often take mine out at the wall. Very scary stuff.”

While a third added: “Gosh. I didn’t think about this. Thanks for sharing. I need to be extra careful now 😞”

According to the NHS website, you should seek medical advice immediately for any electrical or chemical burns.

It also states you should cool the area with cool or lukewarm water for 20 minutes as soon as possible after the injury.