Internet left divided over optical illusion – but do you see a dog or a clown?

31 March 2021, 11:30

The optical illusion has left people questioning what they see
The optical illusion has left people questioning what they see. Picture: Twitter
Alice Dear

By Alice Dear

If you're lucky enough you'll get to see both!

Just when we'd started to move on from the black and blue dress versus the white and gold dress, here we are yet again.

Another optical illusion has left the internet baffled, but this time it is all about whether you can spot the dog or the 'creepy clown boy'.

The image has been circulating on the web all week, with some people struggling to see the dog, or the face.

For some people the dog is the first image they see, while others find themselves looking at what appears to be a 'creepy clown boy' with a bizarre body.

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What do you see – the dog or the face?
What do you see – the dog or the face? Picture: Twitter

Others, if they are lucky, manage to see both.

One person shared the image on Twitter, captioning it with: "I can see both. Creepy clown boy then the dog. What do y’all see?"

One person commented: "I see a dog body with a boy’s head/face with a big moustache. Even after several attempts I don’t see anything else."

Another added: "Can only see the dog. It’s kind of annoying. I want the clown!"

People who have seen both have recommended covering the dog's eyes in order to see the clown face, while others have suggested turning your phone to the side and then returning to the image.

In case you couldn't spot it!
In case you couldn't spot it! Picture: Twitter