Martin Lewis warns households could face £1,000 fine by missing Census Survey cut-off date

18 March 2021, 09:52

Martin Lewis has warned people over a fine they could receive for not filling out their Census Survey
Martin Lewis has warned people over a fine they could receive for not filling out their Census Survey. Picture: Getty
Alice Dear

By Alice Dear

Martin Lewis has issued a warning to people in England, Northern Ireland and Wales as Census Day draws nearer.

Every household in the UK – excluding Scotland – should have received their Census 2021 letter in the post recently.

By filling the survey out, you'll be giving vital information to help officials understand how the characteristics of the population vary.

It will also help decide how services are funded in your local area.

While most people have probably completed their forms by now, some are still yet to fill out the questionnaire.

But you won't want to wait too much longer as Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has warned you could face a fine for not completing it.

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Census Day 2021 is coming up this weekend
Census Day 2021 is coming up this weekend. Picture: Getty

Writing in his weekly MoneySavingExpert newsletter, Martin Lewis said: "This Sunday is 'Census Day'… fill it in or risk a £1,000 fine.

"It’s in England, Wales and Northern Ireland only, and ignoring the survey altogether could land you in hot water."

Scotland's Census will happen in 2022.

Martin Lewis has told people they could face a £1,000 if they do not complete the form
Martin Lewis has told people they could face a £1,000 if they do not complete the form. Picture: Getty

Information on the MoneySavingExpert's website reads: "It's an offence to supply false information or not to complete the census, and you could be fined up to £1,000.

"Fines are a last resort though. In England and Wales, four people received the maximum £1,000 fine for non-compliance at the last census in 2011, while a further 270 people were fined an average of £218."

You can fill out your Census Survey online to help avoid being stung by a fine
You can fill out your Census Survey online to help avoid being stung by a fine. Picture: Getty

The Census Survey needs to be filled out – one per household – by March 21, also known as 'Census Day'.

Questions in the survey include queries about the household, how many people live in the household and employment status.

The Census can also be filled out online, but you will need your letter in order to find the 16 character code.

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