Chef reveals we've been peeling garlic wrong - and should be using boiling water

17 July 2020, 16:21

Have you been peeling garlic wrong? (stock images)
Have you been peeling garlic wrong? (stock images). Picture: Getty

The 'correct' way to peel garlic has been revealed...

It turns out we may have been peeling garlic wrong this whole time, as one expert has claimed we should use boiling water to prepare the bulb.

Any amateur chef will know that peeling garlic can often be a bit of a fiddly mess - but there may be a simple way to save on extra hassle.

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The 'correct' way to peel garlic has been revealed... (stock image)
The 'correct' way to peel garlic has been revealed... (stock image). Picture: Getty

Food writer and editor of Bon Appetit's Basically Sarah Jampel has revealed a really simple way to easily peel garlic in a matter of moments, and all you'll need is hot water.

She revealed that she was inspired by Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain, saying: "Nadiya Hussain on her show Nadiya’s Time to Eat: Let separated garlic cloves sit in very hot water for one minute, after which their skins will slip right off.

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Putting garlic in hot water will allow the skins to 'slip off'
Putting garlic in hot water will allow the skins to 'slip off'. Picture: Getty

"So I tried it. And it worked great!"

Sarah did add, however: "It’s probably not time-efficient if you only need to peel a few cloves."


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