Is B&Q and Homebase open over Easter weekend?

9 April 2020, 17:00 | Updated: 9 April 2020, 17:46

The DIY stores have been closed
The DIY stores have been closed. Picture: PA

The hardware stores have been closed for the past few weeks due to lockdown but people are still able to collect items using click and collect.

This warm weather over the Easter weekend is getting a lot of people in the mood for some DIY.

However, stores such as Homebase and B&Q are closed to the public but there is a way around it.

Most DIY and homeware shops are closed as they sell non-essential items, but you can still order things online and collect them or get them delivered.

Easter weekend is a funny time as it is for opening times regardless of lockdown and COVID-19, as Good Friday and Easter Monday are bank holidays with restricted opening hours and retailers are required by law to close on Easter Sunday.

Here are B&Q and Homebase's opening hours.

What are B&Q's opening hours?

B&Q stores have been closed since mid-March, but customers are still able to order items online and then pick them up using the click and collect service.

This is really handy for those who can't grab a quick delivery slot and also means you can order your items online anytime.

Most stores are open from 8am until 5pm on Friday, Saturday and Monday for you to pick up your items.

However, all stores are closed on Sunday.

For Easter weekend, B&Q told Heart: "This Easter weekend, B&Q stores across England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be closed on Easter Sunday, 12 April 2020, while Scottish stores will remain open for contact-free collections as usual."

What are Homebase's opening hours?

Since the government told stores to close down, Homebase has been shut and unlike B&Q, hasn't been offering the click and collect services.

Therefore, Homebase stores will be closed over this weekend, just like they have been for the last couple of weeks.

A representative for the retailer said: “For the time being our stores will remain closed to customers and we’ll let you know as soon as we reopen.

“We’re doing everything we can to provide the home and garden products, advice, and inspiration that people are looking for at this challenging time.”

Are Homebase and B&Q doing home delivery?

Homebase is doing deliveries at the moment but has warned that they're likely to face delay of an extra two to three delays.

B&Q has limited the number of items available for home delivery but they are still doing home delivery.

If the item you want can be delivered, B&Q charges £5 for next day delivery, or it is free for orders over £50.

When are the Easter holidays in 2020?

This year Good Friday falls on Friday, April 10 and Easter Monday is on April 13th.

For many working adults this means four-day weekend as both the Friday and Monday are bank holidays, if only we could head out to a beer garden to enjoy the sun!