How to make your own DIY face masks and coverings at home

12 May 2020, 08:57 | Updated: 12 May 2020, 09:01

Make your own Face mask in 10 minutes!

How can I make a face mask at home? And what do I need? Here's what you need to know about making your own face masks.

As more people return to work, the UK government has said masks should be used when on public transport or in shops.

Under the new government advice, a form of facial covering, such as a homemade cloth covering, should be worn “in enclosed spaces where social distancing is not always possible”.

So, if you are struggling to get your hands on a non medical mask online, craft experts Lovecrafts have revealed a quick way to make a facemask at home.

Shared on their website and Youtube channel, the step-by-step reveals how you can create a simple mask, complete with pleats and elastic fastenings. Check out the method below...

What you'll need to make your own face mask
What you'll need to make your own face mask at home. Picture: Lovecrafts

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How can you make your own face mask at home?

What you need:

- Cotton fabric or an old tea towel or t-shirt
- Ruler or tape measure
- Pins
- Scissors
- An iron
- Sewing machine or needle and thread
- Iron on interfacing or an extra layer of cotton material
- Elastic or ribbon (about 18cm long)


1.) Firstly, cut your cotton fabric and interfacing into rectangles measuring 15 x 23cm.

2.) Fuse the interfacing on the inside of the outer fabric using an iron - make sure the textured side is against the fabric.

3.) Next, place the mask with the outer fabric facing up and pin the elastic about 1.5cm from the top and bottom of either side of your rectangle - make sure the elastic doesn’t get twisted.

Pin the elastic on top of your outer fabric
Pin the elastic on top of your outer fabric. Picture: Lovecrafts

4.) Then pin your lining fabric on top of the outer fabric.

5.) Sew all the way around about 0.5 - 1cm from the edge - leave a gap on one side so you can turn the mask inside out.

6.) After you turn it out, press it with an iron to flatten it.

7.) To make the pleats - which are important for expanding over your mouth and nose - tuck the top of the mask about 2cm from the top and pin it down.

Fold over the top of the mask 2cm from the edge
Fold over the top of the mask 2cm from the edge. Picture: Lovecrafts

8.) Do this again in the same direction about 2cm from the bottom - you want the outside edge to still measure about 9cm.

9.) After pressing the folds with an iron, sew all the way around the full mask about 0.5cm from the edge, sealing the pleats and the gap.

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What is the UK advice on face masks?

Official government advice for England, Wales and Northern Ireland is that masks have not been recommended.

On 30 April, during the government's daily coronavirus press briefing, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said face covering ‘could be useful’ in giving people the confidence to go back to work once the current lockdown measures are eased.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has also urged people to use non-medical face coverings, such as a scarf or bandana, when social distancing is not possible.

Face masks have been advised on public transport
Face masks have been advised on public transport. Picture: Getty Images

He previously said: “Wearing a non-medical facial covering makes it less likely you may inadvertently give somebody else Covid-19.”

The Scottish government's updated guidance suggests people use cloth coverings, such as a scarf, rather than "medical grade face masks".

Face coverings should not be used for children under the age of two years, according to the guidance.

Public Health England (PHE) recommends masks for NHS staff and social care workers but does not suggest other people wear them outside.

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