Dad reveals genius hack to heating paddling pool using bin bags

13 July 2022, 13:42

This paddling pool hack is a game-changer (left: stock image)
This paddling pool hack is a game-changer (left: stock image). Picture: Getty/Tik Tok

You can heat your paddling pool in less than an hour by using just black bin bags - here's how.

A dad has been hailed for revealing a hack that heats your paddling pool without you having to go back and forth with a kettle.

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And, as many of us will be spending a lot of time in the garden during the heatwave this week, his method could be a real time-saver.

The dad posted the hack on Tik Tok
The dad posted the hack on Tik Tok. Picture: Tik Tok

Taking to Tik Tok, the dad - named Phil (username @philc84) - posted a video of his paddling pool filled with bin bags, which heat the water by attracting the sun.

He said: "To try and heat my daughter's pool, I laid black bin bags across it in direct sunlight.

Phil then joked: "It worked a treat, so I messaged my friends, turned out they'd all been doing it for years and not telling me. I hate parenting."

He's not the only one who uses the hack - the idea was also discussed on the Mrs Hinch Made Me Do It Facebook group, with one member writing: "Fill with cold from outside tap then cover with black bin bags. Leave for an hour! The sun is drawn to the black bags and heats it up. Works a treat every time,.

Another added: "If it's in direct sunlight, put some black bin liners on the top of the water. The sun heats the bags up which heats the water. We did it the other day and it worked."