Sex is the cure to hayfever say researchers who urge Brits to get frisky in pollen season

29 March 2019, 11:57

Sex has been linked to hayfever relief
Sex has been linked to hayfever relief. Picture: getty

With sex being found to ease the symptoms of congestion, sufferers could opt for the more the more fun and holistic alternative to antihistamines.

Spring is well underway and that means sharp rises in pollen levels could see hayfever suffering throughout the warmer months.

Now researchers at Tabriz Medical University in Iran are suggesting Brits should be getting frisky during pollen season if they want to ease allergy related symptoms such as sneezing.

According to research, sex causes blood vessels in nasal passages to constrict helping to clear blocked noses and dry up runny eyes.

With pollen levels at an all time high across Southern England this week, experts have warned British to stock up on antihistamines.

Sex hay fever
Brits should be getting frisky during pollen season if they want to ease allergy related symptoms. Picture: Getty

However, with sex being found to ease the symptoms of congestion, sufferers could opt for the more the more fun and holistic alternative.

Max Wiseberg, airborne allergen expert and founder of HayMax barrier balms, said: “Pollen levels are set to rise this week so people with hay fever should be prepared to prevent the onset of unpleasant symptoms.

“There is also research which suggests that sex could help with the symptoms, so that may be something to consider although there may be some practical issues around timing and locations.

“However there is probably not a more pleasant way to deal with the symptoms of hay fever.”

Sex causes blood vessels in nasal passages to constrict helping to clear blocked noses . Picture: Getty

There is one catch though, the symptom relief is linked to ejaculation which means men are more likely to experience relief from these symptoms than women.

Sina Zarrintan, neurologist and author of the study published in the journal Medical Hypotheses, said: “It can be done from time to time to alleviate the congestion and the patient can adjust the number of intercourses depending on the severity of the symptoms.”