When is Primark going to reopen? And will there be a huge lockdown sale?
3 June 2020, 10:58
Primark is readying to reopen its doors after months of being closed during the coronavirus lockdown - here's all we know about their plans for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Of all the things we've missed during lockdown, a wander round Primark is definitely on the list.
Now, after months of being closed as part of the UK's fight against coronavirus, the cheap fashion chain is preparing to throw open its doors - just in time to splurge on a new summer wardrobe.
But when are stores opening, and will there really be a huge sale to rid all the old stock? Here's what we know so far...
When will Primark reopen?
Primark will open 153 stores in England on June 15, which is the date the Government has given for 'all non-essential retail' to start trading again.
However, things might be a little different to how you remember them, as the store takes steps to keep its staff and shoppers safe.
When will Primark be opening in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
As Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are following different lockdown rules, their Primarks are opening on a different date.
There is nothing confirmed yet, but the Daily Record reported that it is expected these stores will open in late June.
Read more: When will weddings resume in the UK and can I get married during lockdown?

Shoppers queue at the opening of the world's biggest Primark
Will Primark be having a lockdown sale?
Despite previous reports that the cheap and cheerful fashion brand was planning on shifting it's huge backlog of unsold stock as part of a bumper sale, John Bason, the finance boss of Primark's holding company ABF has denied this is on the cards.
He said: "We are not doing a fire sale. Customers can look forward to our normal prices offering everyday value."
It was reported that they had a huge £1.5bn-worth of unsold stock, and their usual monthly turnover of £650m dropped to £0 during April and May.
The excess stock is mainly non-fashion and non-seasonal ranges plus some excess spring-summer goods, which will be held back until next year, or sold "in the normal course of business".
How will shopping at Primark be different after lockdown?
Shopping will be a totally new experience once the doors reopen. Cashiers will only work at every other till to maintain social distancing, and they will be behind perspex screens and given PPE like masks and gloves.
The number of shoppers in the store at one time will be limited.
There will be stewards on the door controlling who can go in, and when it is very busy, it will be one in, one out - like at the supermarket.