Can you find Santa's hat amongst the garden tools in this fun brainteaser?

8 December 2020, 13:54

See if you can find Santa's lost hat quicker than 35 seconds...
See if you can find Santa's lost hat quicker than 35 seconds... Picture: Ace Sheds

Who knew Father Christmas had such green fingers? Judging by this fun puzzle, he has a shed packed full of tools... but can you find his iconic hat?

Finally we know what Father Christmas does for the other 364 days of the year - he potters about in the garden.

In this new brainteaser, his iconic white-bobbled red hat is hidden amongst a huge array of outdoor tools and flowers.

The puzzle has been created by Ace Sheds to spread some joy at this time of year, and they claim that 35 seconds is the quickest anybody has solved it... so far. 

Have a go at the puzzle below...

Santa's hat is somewhere in this picture... can you spot it?
Santa's hat is somewhere in this picture... can you spot it? Picture: Ace Sheds

Scroll down to see the answer....





Heart has officially SWITCHED ON Christmas!




The blue circle highlights where Santa's hat can be found
The blue circle highlights where Santa's hat can be found. Picture: Ace Sheds

If you want more tricky tests, see if you can find the one clean-shaven Nutcracker in this picture. Unbelievably, it is even trickier than this one!