Aldi launch incredible Harry Potter Specialbuys range

21 May 2021, 16:31 | Updated: 21 May 2021, 16:59

Aldi's Harry Potter range is magical
Aldi's Harry Potter range is magical. Picture: Aldi

Aldi have launched a new Harry Potter Specialbuys range, and we absolutely want it all...

If you've got a Potter-mad little witch or wizard in the family, Aldi have launched a new range that will make for an absolutely magical gift for them.

Their new Harry Potter Specialbuys range includes a number of products based on the book and film series, including an adorable talking Dobby toy, which priced at £19.99.

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The collection features a huge range of affordable range of toys, books, DVDs, pyjamas and games - and we need it all in our lives immediately.

The Hermione robe makes for a perfect fancy dress costume
The Hermione robe makes for a perfect fancy dress costume. Picture: Aldi
The range includes Harry Potter and Hermione dolls
The range includes Harry Potter and Hermione dolls. Picture: Aldi
They are also selling an adorable Hedwig toy
They are also selling an adorable Hedwig toy. Picture: Aldi

If you have younger kids who haven't started on the books yet, you can buy all seven of them for just £29.99.

The budget supermarket is also selling the full DVD boxset for £24.99.

If games are your thing, there's an £11.99 toy snitch, a £28.99 lego set, and a £12.99 Harry Potter potions game board.

The description for the potions game reads: "Wander the grounds of Hogwarts collecting the ingredients for one potion with this Harry Potter Peculiar Potion Game by Spin Master.

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The talking Dobby toy is sure to be popular
The talking Dobby toy is sure to be popular. Picture: Aldi

"Beware of Argus Filch he'll be roaming around trying to stop you on your tracks."

The range also features a number of Potter-themed clothing, including an 'invisibility cloak' for £27.99, and a Hermione fancy dress costume for £9.99.

You can view the whole range here.

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