Heart Dorset - Adventure Wonderland - November 2019

Adventure Wonderland

Adventure Wonderland Promotion
Heart Dorset
November/December 2019

1. The following rules (“Specific Rules”) together with the general competition terms and conditions (which can be found at http://www.heart.co.uk/terms-conditions/competition/ (the “Competition Terms and Conditions”) of Global (as defined in the Competition Terms and Conditions) apply to Adventure Wonderland radio competition (the “Competition") which will run from Tuesday 19th November – Sunday 1st December 2019 on Heart Dorset (the “Radio Station”).

2. Anyone who enters the Competition (an “Entrant”) will be deemed to have read and accepted the Specific Rules and the Competition Terms and Conditions and will be bound by them.

Details of the Competition:

To enter the Competition an Entrant must:

3. Go online to www.heart.co.uk/dorset, answer the multiple-choice question and register their details. Online entry will open at 00:01 on Tuesday 19th November 2019 and will close at 23:59 on Sunday 1st December 2019. 

4. On-air trails will direct listeners online to heart.co.uk/dorset. Answer the question correctly for your chance to win.

5. One winner will be selected at random after the competition has closed. Winner will be notified by phone. Annual Family Pass plus lunch needs to be collected from Adventure Wonderland. Visit to see Santa must take place between 14th and 23rd December and subject to availability.


6. All entrants must be age 18 or over.

7. Entry is restricted to one entry per person; duplicate entries will be excluded from the Competition.


8. One winner will win the following:
- 1 x Annual Family Pass for four people (must consist of at least one child under the age of 12). Valid for 12 months from date of purchases for unlimited free standard admission to Adventure Wonderland.
- 1 x lunch for these four people on one day of their choice at the park. Lunch will consist of 1 x hot or cold meal and 1 x hot or cold drink for each person.
- Annual Pass to Adventure Wonderland and lunch to be provided by Adventure Wonderland and collected from the park on the initial visit.
- Visit to see Santa at Adventure Wonderland for 2 Adults and 2 Children. At least one child must be under the age of 12.
- Tickets to visit Santa are available every day from 14th-23rd December.
- Santa visit must be pre-booked with Adventure Wonderland.
- 1 x £100 in cash provided to the winner. We require the winner's account number, sort code & the bank that they bank with. It can take up to 28 days to appear in the bank of the winner. These details must be provided in writing in an email for payment to be made.

9. Global and Adventure Wonderland reserve the right to substitute the prize with another prize at its absolute discretion.