Young Lives Foundation

Projects Global's Make Some Noise supports in your area deliver life changing work and help to give children a brighter future. Projects like Young Lives Foundation.
Young Lives Foundation supports vulnerable and disadvantaged children through difficult times and distress with one-to-one mentoring and group days out. Theme parks, team sports and cooking lessons are just some of the fun events that are supported.
Make Some Noise will help continue funding these trips for young people who are looked after or leaving care, or are disengaged with education and employment, or have mental health difficulties, or come from families in need of their support.
Brandon, aged 11, is one of the children who has benefited from the Young Lives Foundation. Brandon’s school saw he was isolated and felt he would benefit from taking part in new experiences. Brandon was a shy and withdrawn child with very little confidence. There were concerns around his home life particularly around abuse and neglect.
Brandon was invited to the pantomime with YLF. The school was concerned his parents would not let him attend, as previous attempts to involve him in other extracurricular activity had been unsuccessful. However local fundraising meant that Young Lives Foundation could offer this activity free, so Brandon was able to join in.
Brandon had never been to the pantomime before; in fact he had never been outside the local town. He enjoyed the activity and as the performance went on, for the first time Brandon started to join in with the chants of "he's behind you" and started to smile. By the end of the performance Brandon was dancing in the aisles with the other children.
The opportunity for Brandon to leave his home situation behind and take part in new and confidence building activities is essential in enabling him to develop good self-esteem and self-respect. Brandon said, “I have had such a wicked time doing things I have never tried before.”